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The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Introduction

Here it is..., Enjoy! Now, It is Free for watching...
Thanks for reading, please send your thoughts via Email to ping@pingannstudiio.com

17 pages; 2500 words


E10-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Prologue CAD$25

售价 NT$ 600

优惠价 NT$ 400

Did you know that  Schilder's Technique, in "Finding Nemo" (Disney movie 2003), was mentioned in the conversation between Fish?
Better not miss it again..., Hit the connection and Seat tight to Enjoy the Idea...

27 pages, 4500 words


E11-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Ch1 CAD$25

售价 NT$ 600

优惠价 NT$ 400

Now, everyone is talking about "Schilderian Endodontics" on-line; hit the connection, you won't miss too much...

42 pages, 8500 words


E12-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Ch2 CAD$25

售价 NT$ 600

优惠价 NT$ 400

Now, Chapter Two is Ready to Enjoy..., Please hit the connection!

65 pages, 9500 words


E13-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Ch3 CAD$25

售价 NT$ 600

优惠价 NT$ 400

Chapter 3 is ready for surfing...;

60 pages, 9000 words


E14-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics-Ch4 (P1+P2) CAD$40

售价 NT$ 800

优惠价 NT$ 560

Here is Charpter 4, Enjoy reading...

Part 1: 42 pages, 7000 words;  Part 2: 54 pages, 8000 words

Part 1  http://www.pingannstudio.url.tw/ech4p1/index.html

Part 2  http://www.pingannstudio.url.tw/ech4p2/index.html

E20-The Beauty and Sorrow in Endodontics (Chab) CAD$25

售价 NT$ 600

优惠价 NT$ 400

The contents in Chab are included working length determination plus cleaning and shaping concepts regarding to Schilder's Technique.

34 Pages, 7500 words
